Opiniones de clientes
(Automatic translation) Very happy with the purchase! It arrived very quickly and in perfect condition despite not bringing a box. The lens was perfectly packaged and works perfectly. Very professional in everything, I will repeat without a doubt.

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Focal Fijo 

The focal length of a lens is the value that indicates the angle of coverage that we will have of the scene to photograph, if we want a great field we will opt for an angular lens, its focal length in mm will always be short, less than 35mm, if what we are looking for is a vision very similar to the one we capture with our eyes we will choose what is known with standard focal length this will be between 35 and 60 mm, but if what we want is at a great distance or we want to focus on a detail, we will opt for telephoto focal lengths greater than 60mm.

We call fixed focal lenses those to which we cannot change this value as it would be in another case the zoom. Being this way we have available specific lenses for the angle of vision that we want, and in addition to not being necessary the change of focal as in the zoom, they will be able to offer us greater benefits as far as luminosity and sharpness are concerned.

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