Product Object ( [quesabesde] => 0 [descripcion_quesabesde] => [ciao] => 1 [descripcion_ciao] => Descuento especial para Canarias [ultimas_unidades] => 0 [promocion_mes] => 0 [dropshipping_only] => 0 [tax_name] => deprecated [tax_rate] => 0 [id_manufacturer] => 12 [id_supplier] => 0 [id_category_default] => 179 [id_shop_default] => 1 [manufacturer_name] => NIKON [supplier_name] => [name] => NIKON Z 14-24 mm f / 2.8 S [description] =>

Nikon NIKKOR Z 14-24mm f / 2.8 S lens

Ultra wide angle with a flexible yet demanding design, Nikon's NIKKOR Z 14-24mm f / 2.8 S is a wide angle zoom that is distinguished by its advanced optical design and brilliant constant f / 2.8 maximum aperture. This fast design adapts to working in low light conditions when shooting handheld and also offers better control of depth of field. The optical system uses four extra-low dispersion elements and three aspherical elements, which reduce a variety of aberrations and distortions to achieve high sharpness and clarity along with an accurate representation of subjects and point light sources, such as stars. ARNEO and Nano Crystal Coats, as well as a Super Integrated Coating, have also been applied to suppress flare, ghosting and surface reflections for improved contrast and color fidelity.
Complementing the optical design, a stepping motor helps achieve incredibly fast, accurate, and quiet autofocus performance, along with full-time manual focus override, to meet video and still image needs. The lens also has a unique physical design, incorporating a top OLED information panel that can be used to quickly confirm aperture and focus settings, and an assignable L.Fn button enables exposure and setting adjustments through the lens. . Two hoods are included with the Z 14-24mm f / 2.8 depending on job needs: the HB-96 maintains a sleeker overall size while the HB-97 hood provides the unique advantage of allowing the installation of threaded filters. 112 mm. Additionally, a programmable control ring can be configured for intuitive adjustment to a variety of camera and exposure settings.
The ultra-wide zoom is designed for FX-format Z-mount mirrorless cameras, but can also be used with DX models where it provides a 21-36mm equivalent focal length range.
The constant maximum aperture of f / 2.8 offers consistent performance throughout the zoom range and also benefits working in difficult lighting conditions and using selective focus techniques.
Three aspherical elements are used to reduce spherical aberrations and distortion for sharp images with accurate representation.
Four extra-low dispersion elements greatly reduce color fringing and chromatic aberrations throughout the zoom range to produce greater clarity and color reproduction.
ARNEO and Nano Crystal layers are used to prevent ghosting, reflections and flare for better contrast and clarity when working in bright and backlit conditions. The nanocrystal layer controls incidental light from a diagonal direction while the ARNEO layer controls incidental light from a vertical direction. Also included is a super integrated coating on various elements to help ensure accurate and consistent colors.
The stepping motor offers impressively smooth and quiet autofocus performance that is well suited to both still image and video applications. Full-time manual focus override is also possible and an internal focus design is used, in which only the internal lens groups move during focus, to maintain full lens length during use and promote focus speeds Faster.
The programmable control ring is set by default to adjust manual focus, but can also be used to control aperture or exposure compensation.
The integrated OLED lens information panel allows you to quickly confirm aperture settings, focus distance, and depth of field figures directly on the lens in both bright and dark situations.
The assignable L.Fn button works in conjunction with camera-based Fn buttons to provide a perfect spot for quickly changing exposure settings and other functions.
The specialized electromagnetic aperture mechanism provides greater exposure control stability that is especially beneficial when working with fast continuous shooting speeds.
The rounded nine-blade diaphragm promotes pleasant blur quality that benefits the use of shallow depth of field and selective focus techniques.
Dust and moisture resistant lens body benefits lens wear in harsh conditions.
When the included HB-97 lens hood is attached, 112mm threaded filters can be used on the front of the lens.

[description_short] =>
  • Z-mount / FX-format lens
  • Aperture range: f / 2.8 to f / 22
  • Four ED and three aspherical elements
  • Weather resistant construction.
  • Compatible with all Nikon Z series mirrorless cameras.
  • Optical zoom: 1.7 multiplier_x
  • ARNEO coatings and nanocrystals
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NIKON Z 14-24 mm f / 2.8 S

Product ID: 13474

EAN: 4960759903570

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Más información

  • Z-mount / FX-format lens
  • Aperture range: f / 2.8 to f / 22
  • Four ED and three aspherical elements
  • Weather resistant construction.
  • Compatible with all Nikon Z series mirrorless cameras.
  • Optical zoom: 1.7 multiplier_x
  • ARNEO coatings and nanocrystals
  • Z-mount / FX-format lens
  • Aperture range: f / 2.8 to f / 22
  • Four ED and three aspherical elements
  • Weather resistant construction.
  • Compatible with all Nikon Z series mirrorless cameras.
  • Optical zoom: 1.7 multiplier_x
  • ARNEO coatings and nanocrystals

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Nikon NIKKOR Z 14-24mm f / 2.8 S lens

Ultra wide angle with a flexible yet demanding design, Nikon's NIKKOR Z 14-24mm f / 2.8 S is a wide angle zoom that is distinguished by its advanced optical design and brilliant constant f / 2.8 maximum aperture. This fast design adapts to working in low light conditions when shooting handheld and also offers better control of depth of field. The optical system uses four extra-low dispersion elements and three aspherical elements, which reduce a variety of aberrations and distortions to achieve high sharpness and clarity along with an accurate representation of subjects and point light sources, such as stars. ARNEO and Nano Crystal Coats, as well as a Super Integrated Coating, have also been applied to suppress flare, ghosting and surface reflections for improved contrast and color fidelity.
Complementing the optical design, a stepping motor helps achieve incredibly fast, accurate, and quiet autofocus performance, along with full-time manual focus override, to meet video and still image needs. The lens also has a unique physical design, incorporating a top OLED information panel that can be used to quickly confirm aperture and focus settings, and an assignable L.Fn button enables exposure and setting adjustments through the lens. . Two hoods are included with the Z 14-24mm f / 2.8 depending on job needs: the HB-96 maintains a sleeker overall size while the HB-97 hood provides the unique advantage of allowing the installation of threaded filters. 112 mm. Additionally, a programmable control ring can be configured for intuitive adjustment to a variety of camera and exposure settings.
The ultra-wide zoom is designed for FX-format Z-mount mirrorless cameras, but can also be used with DX models where it provides a 21-36mm equivalent focal length range.
The constant maximum aperture of f / 2.8 offers consistent performance throughout the zoom range and also benefits working in difficult lighting conditions and using selective focus techniques.
Three aspherical elements are used to reduce spherical aberrations and distortion for sharp images with accurate representation.
Four extra-low dispersion elements greatly reduce color fringing and chromatic aberrations throughout the zoom range to produce greater clarity and color reproduction.
ARNEO and Nano Crystal layers are used to prevent ghosting, reflections and flare for better contrast and clarity when working in bright and backlit conditions. The nanocrystal layer controls incidental light from a diagonal direction while the ARNEO layer controls incidental light from a vertical direction. Also included is a super integrated coating on various elements to help ensure accurate and consistent colors.
The stepping motor offers impressively smooth and quiet autofocus performance that is well suited to both still image and video applications. Full-time manual focus override is also possible and an internal focus design is used, in which only the internal lens groups move during focus, to maintain full lens length during use and promote focus speeds Faster.
The programmable control ring is set by default to adjust manual focus, but can also be used to control aperture or exposure compensation.
The integrated OLED lens information panel allows you to quickly confirm aperture settings, focus distance, and depth of field figures directly on the lens in both bright and dark situations.
The assignable L.Fn button works in conjunction with camera-based Fn buttons to provide a perfect spot for quickly changing exposure settings and other functions.
The specialized electromagnetic aperture mechanism provides greater exposure control stability that is especially beneficial when working with fast continuous shooting speeds.
The rounded nine-blade diaphragm promotes pleasant blur quality that benefits the use of shallow depth of field and selective focus techniques.
Dust and moisture resistant lens body benefits lens wear in harsh conditions.
When the included HB-97 lens hood is attached, 112mm threaded filters can be used on the front of the lens.

Data sheet
Filter size 112mm
Type of filter UV Ultraviolet Protector

Focal length 14 to 24 mm
Maximum aperture f / 2.8
Minimum aperture f / 22
Nikon Z lens mount
Full Frame format compatibility
Angle of view 114 ° to 84 °
Minimum focus distance 11 "/ 28 cm
Maximum magnification 0.13x
Optical design 16 elements in 11 groups
Diaphragm blades 9, rounded
Focus type Autofocus
Image stabilization No
Filter size
112mm gel filter (through hood) (rear)
Dimensions (ø x L) 88.5 x 124.5mm / 3.5 x 4.9 "
Weight 1.4 lbs / 650 g



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