Product Object ( [quesabesde] => 0 [descripcion_quesabesde] => [ciao] => 1 [descripcion_ciao] => Descuento especial para Canarias [ultimas_unidades] => 0 [promocion_mes] => 0 [dropshipping_only] => 0 [tax_name] => deprecated [tax_rate] => 0 [id_manufacturer] => 11 [id_supplier] => 0 [id_category_default] => 196 [id_shop_default] => 1 [manufacturer_name] => SONY [supplier_name] => [name] => SONY FE12-24 mm F2,8 GM - SEL1224GM.SYX [description] =>

Sony FE 12-24mm f / 2.8 GM Lens

Comprising a range of ultra-wide fields of view, the Sony FE 12-24mm f / 2.8 GM is a brilliant and versatile zoom characterized by its wide range and brilliant design. With a constant maximum aperture of f / 2.8, this lens is ideal for working in available lighting conditions and controlling depth of field to isolate your subject. Its advanced optical design includes a series of XA, Aspherical, Super ED and ED elements, which combine to reduce a variety of aberrations and distortions for a high degree of sharpness, accurate rendering and remarkable color accuracy. An updated Nano AR Coating II has also been applied, which suppresses flare and ghosting for higher contrast when working in bright, backlit conditions.
Complementing the optics is an XD linear motor system that uses four separate focus motors to deliver especially quiet, precise and fast autofocus performance. A floating focus design is also employed to help maintain consistent results across the entire focus range from 11 "to infinity. The lens also has a dust and moisture sealed design and a fluorine coated front lens element. to allow shooting in inclement conditions and there is a built-in petal-shaped hood to block stray light and physically protect the front element.
As part of Sony's esteemed G Master series, this lens is designed to achieve remarkably high resolution and sharpness by correcting for a wide variety of spherical and chromatic aberrations. In addition, these lenses feature robust and intuitive physical designs to benefit photography and film applications.
The versatile ultra-wide-angle zoom is designed for full-frame Sony E-mount mirrorless cameras, however it can also be used on APS-C models where it provides an 18-36mm equivalent focal length.
The constant bright f / 2.8 maximum aperture benefits working in difficult lighting conditions and also offers greater control over depth of field.
Three XA (Extreme Aspherical) elements and one standard aspherical element are incorporated into the optical design, featuring superior surface precision for effective control over astigmatism, field curvature, coma, distortion, and other spherical aberrations for high degree of sharpness and precision. representation.
Two Super ED elements and three Extra Low Dispersion elements are featured in the lens design and help reduce chromatic aberrations and color fringing to improve clarity and color neutrality.
Nano AR Coating II has been applied to reduce surface reflections, flare, and ghosting to increase contrast and color reproduction in bright lighting conditions. This updated coating is more suitable for larger curved elements and is especially adept at minimizing internal reflections.
The floating focus system divides the focus group into two separately controlled groups and helps maintain consistently clear optical performance throughout the entire focus and zoom range.
An XD linear motor system uses four separate motors, two per focus group, along with an internal focus design to provide fast, quiet, and accurate autofocus and tracking focus. This design also contributes to a more natural and intuitive linear response manual focus control and an AF / MF switch is located on the lens barrel for tactile control over this setting.
A focus hold button is present on the lens body for intuitive touch control and quick access to selected settings.
The minimum focusing distance of 11 "is available throughout the zoom range.
The sealed design against dust and moisture allows for better work in inclement conditions and the rubber control rings benefit handling in colder temperatures.
The fluorine-coated front element resists dust, moisture, and fingerprints and is easy to clean.
The rounded nine-blade diaphragm contributes to pleasant bokeh quality when using shallow depth of field techniques.
The integrated petal-shaped lens hood helps prevent stray light from causing lens flare and also provides some physical protection for the front element.
The filter holder is built into the back of the lens, inside the lens holder, and accepts cut gel filters and a filter cutter template is included.

[description_short] =>
  • E-mount lens / Full-frame format
  • Aperture range: f / 2.8 to f / 22
  • Three XA elements, two Super ED elements
  • Nano AR II and Fluorine Coatings
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SONY FE12-24 mm F2,8 GM - SEL1224GM.SYX

Product ID: 12606

EAN: 4548736099784

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Más información

  • E-mount lens / Full-frame format
  • Aperture range: f / 2.8 to f / 22
  • Three XA elements, two Super ED elements
  • Nano AR II and Fluorine Coatings

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2720,00€tax incl.

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Sony FE 12-24mm f / 2.8 GM Lens

Comprising a range of ultra-wide fields of view, the Sony FE 12-24mm f / 2.8 GM is a brilliant and versatile zoom characterized by its wide range and brilliant design. With a constant maximum aperture of f / 2.8, this lens is ideal for working in available lighting conditions and controlling depth of field to isolate your subject. Its advanced optical design includes a series of XA, Aspherical, Super ED and ED elements, which combine to reduce a variety of aberrations and distortions for a high degree of sharpness, accurate rendering and remarkable color accuracy. An updated Nano AR Coating II has also been applied, which suppresses flare and ghosting for higher contrast when working in bright, backlit conditions.
Complementing the optics is an XD linear motor system that uses four separate focus motors to deliver especially quiet, precise and fast autofocus performance. A floating focus design is also employed to help maintain consistent results across the entire focus range from 11 "to infinity. The lens also has a dust and moisture sealed design and a fluorine coated front lens element. to allow shooting in inclement conditions and there is a built-in petal-shaped hood to block stray light and physically protect the front element.
As part of Sony's esteemed G Master series, this lens is designed to achieve remarkably high resolution and sharpness by correcting for a wide variety of spherical and chromatic aberrations. In addition, these lenses feature robust and intuitive physical designs to benefit photography and film applications.
The versatile ultra-wide-angle zoom is designed for full-frame Sony E-mount mirrorless cameras, however it can also be used on APS-C models where it provides an 18-36mm equivalent focal length.
The constant bright f / 2.8 maximum aperture benefits working in difficult lighting conditions and also offers greater control over depth of field.
Three XA (Extreme Aspherical) elements and one standard aspherical element are incorporated into the optical design, featuring superior surface precision for effective control over astigmatism, field curvature, coma, distortion, and other spherical aberrations for high degree of sharpness and precision. representation.
Two Super ED elements and three Extra Low Dispersion elements are featured in the lens design and help reduce chromatic aberrations and color fringing to improve clarity and color neutrality.
Nano AR Coating II has been applied to reduce surface reflections, flare, and ghosting to increase contrast and color reproduction in bright lighting conditions. This updated coating is more suitable for larger curved elements and is especially adept at minimizing internal reflections.
The floating focus system divides the focus group into two separately controlled groups and helps maintain consistently clear optical performance throughout the entire focus and zoom range.
An XD linear motor system uses four separate motors, two per focus group, along with an internal focus design to provide fast, quiet, and accurate autofocus and tracking focus. This design also contributes to a more natural and intuitive linear response manual focus control and an AF / MF switch is located on the lens barrel for tactile control over this setting.
A focus hold button is present on the lens body for intuitive touch control and quick access to selected settings.
The minimum focusing distance of 11 "is available throughout the zoom range.
The sealed design against dust and moisture allows for better work in inclement conditions and the rubber control rings benefit handling in colder temperatures.
The fluorine-coated front element resists dust, moisture, and fingerprints and is easy to clean.
The rounded nine-blade diaphragm contributes to pleasant bokeh quality when using shallow depth of field techniques.
The integrated petal-shaped lens hood helps prevent stray light from causing lens flare and also provides some physical protection for the front element.
The filter holder is built into the back of the lens, inside the lens holder, and accepts cut gel filters and a filter cutter template is included.

Data sheet
Type of filter UV Ultraviolet Protector

Focal length 12 to 24 mm
Maximum aperture f / 2.8
Minimum aperture f / 22
Sony E lens mount
Full Frame Format Compatibility
Point of view 122 ° to 84 °
Minimum Focus Distance 11.02 "/ 28cm
0.14x maximum magnification
Optical design 17 elements in 14 groups
Diaphragm blades 9, rounded
Focus type Autofocus
Image stabilization No
Filter size Gel filter (rear)
Dimensions (ø x L) 3.84 x 5.39 "/ 97.6 x 137mm
Weight 1.86 lb / 847 g



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