Product Object ( [quesabesde] => 0 [descripcion_quesabesde] => [ciao] => 1 [descripcion_ciao] => DESCUENTO DE 726 EUROS PARA CANARIAS/ Entrega en 24/48 horas – Tienda en Las Palmas de G.C. desde 1974 [ultimas_unidades] => 0 [promocion_mes] => 0 [dropshipping_only] => 0 [tax_name] => deprecated [tax_rate] => 0 [id_manufacturer] => 323 [id_supplier] => 0 [id_category_default] => 222 [id_shop_default] => 1 [manufacturer_name] => HASSELBAD [supplier_name] => [name] => HASSELBLAD X1D II 50C - MEDIUM FORMAT CSC BODY [description] =>

Hasselblad X1D II 50C medium format mirrorless camera

LA X1D II 50C, which is part of the award-winning design of the first generation, continues to maintain the portability of medium format photography thanks to its compact construction. Its enhanced electronic platform includes an expanded 3.6-inch touch screen and an improved EVF, faster live view refresh rate and intuitive and even faster user interface control. The connection via USB-C or Wi-Fi with Hasselblad's Phocus Mobile 2 allows the most advanced workflow from the camera to the iPad Pro. And with a wide range of high-quality optics for shooting, including system lenses XCD, HC / HCD, XPan and V, the creative possibilities are endless.
Lightweight and portable, the X1D II 50C allows you to take the power of the medium format on a smaller footprint than most 35mm full-frame cameras. Individually calibrated for optimal performance, its large medium format 50-megapixel CMOS sensor (43.8 x 32.9 mm) offers exceptional color depth and a huge dynamic range of 14 stops. Hasselblad Natural Color Solution technology is integrated into the camera system and provides superb and real tones that adapt to what the human eye sees. Combining form and function in its ergonomic design adopted from the award-winning first generation, the X1D II 50C continues to provide creatives with an incredible Hasselblad image quality, with 16-bit RAW images and now full-resolution JPEG, in a compact and lightweight design .
The bright 3.6-inch and 2.36 million-point rear touch screen of the X1D II 50C and the enhanced 3.69 million-point EVF OLED are updated with higher resolution, allowing for post-capture evaluation more Precise images. With an enhanced magnification of 0.87x, the EVF of the X1D II 50C is now larger, allowing you to see the larger image. In addition, the menu system is now accessible when looking at the EVF, which provides greater ease of use in the sunniest conditions. Based on the intuitive user interface of the previous generation, with pinch to zoom navigation and image scrolling, the X1D II 50C is refined with a faster overall response when navigating through its menu system.
Other additions to the rear screen include drag-and-drop autofocus point placement and autofocus point size changes with pinch / extension finger movement. With a faster start time, a live view with a faster refresh rate of 60 fps, and shutter delay time and shutdown time between reduced frames, the X1D II 50C creates an even more user experience soft.
The updated electronic platform of the X1D II 50C allows for a more sensitive camera experience, including faster image preview, allowing for faster post-capture evaluation. In addition, a higher image frequency of 60 fps makes live viewing more fluid both in the EVF and on the rear screen. The much higher resolution of the rear display screen (1024 × 768) offers a more vivid and true-to-life image viewing experience. In addition, the X1D II 50C now allows high-quality JPEG images in the camera at full resolution with the characteristic Hasselblad colors. Dual SD card slots, which now support the faster UHS-II standard, guarantee optimal storage space or the option to back up images on a second card when shooting.
Built-in Wi-Fi and USB-C connectivity creates a portable photographic workflow with wireless or connected image export and connection shooting via Phocus Mobile 2. The connection shooting function is also applicable to the desktop version of Phocus, Available for both Mac and PC. An internal GPS module allows optional automatic geographic tagging of images. Dual SD card slots ensure optimal storage space or the option to back up images on a second card when shooting. The X1D II 50C allows you to charge the camera's battery via USB through a computer, charger or power bank.
Phocus Mobile 2 expands the possibilities of the Hasselblad workflow and takes the image editing process to a new portable level. Phocus Mobile 2 is compatible with the X1D II 50C via USB-C or Wi-Fi and is compatible with the iPad Pro and iPad Air 2019 models, which allows

[description_short] =>


  • PURCHASE ON REQUEST - once the order is made and the total payment or a 50% advance by transfer, we will confirm the delivery date that is usually 3 to 15 days.
  • 50MP CMOS sensor 43.8 x 32.9 mm
  • 16-bit color, dynamic range of 14 stops
  • Hasselblad natural color solution
  • 0.87x 3.69m-Dot electronic viewfinder
  • CMOS sensor 43.8 x32.9mm 50 MP
  • 16-bit and 14 dynamic range steps
  • 3.6 ″ 24-bit TFT touch screen
  • ISO range 100-25600
  • Lossless 3FR RAW file format
  • USB-C and Mini HDMI connection
  • Hasselblad X mount
  • Two slots for SD memories
[quantity] => 0 [minimal_quantity] => 1 [available_now] => [available_later] => You can place your order now and we will send it to you when it is available. 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Product ID: 12075

EAN: 7392544114231

  • PURCHASE ON REQUEST - once the order is made and the total payment or a 50% advance by transfer, we will confirm the delivery date that is usually 3 to 15 days.
  • 50MP CMOS sensor 43.8 x 32.9 mm
  • 16-bit color, dynamic range of 14 stops
  • Hasselblad natural color solution
  • 0.87x 3.69m-Dot electronic viewfinder
  • CMOS sensor 43.8 x32.9mm 50 MP
  • 16-bit and 14 dynamic range steps
  • 3.6 ″ 24-bit TFT touch screen
  • ISO range 100-25600
  • Lossless 3FR RAW file format
  • USB-C and Mini HDMI connection
  • Hasselblad X mount
  • Two slots for SD memories

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5999,00€tax incl.

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Precio final: 100.54€

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Hasselblad X1D II 50C medium format mirrorless camera

LA X1D II 50C, which is part of the award-winning design of the first generation, continues to maintain the portability of medium format photography thanks to its compact construction. Its enhanced electronic platform includes an expanded 3.6-inch touch screen and an improved EVF, faster live view refresh rate and intuitive and even faster user interface control. The connection via USB-C or Wi-Fi with Hasselblad's Phocus Mobile 2 allows the most advanced workflow from the camera to the iPad Pro. And with a wide range of high-quality optics for shooting, including system lenses XCD, HC / HCD, XPan and V, the creative possibilities are endless.
Lightweight and portable, the X1D II 50C allows you to take the power of the medium format on a smaller footprint than most 35mm full-frame cameras. Individually calibrated for optimal performance, its large medium format 50-megapixel CMOS sensor (43.8 x 32.9 mm) offers exceptional color depth and a huge dynamic range of 14 stops. Hasselblad Natural Color Solution technology is integrated into the camera system and provides superb and real tones that adapt to what the human eye sees. Combining form and function in its ergonomic design adopted from the award-winning first generation, the X1D II 50C continues to provide creatives with an incredible Hasselblad image quality, with 16-bit RAW images and now full-resolution JPEG, in a compact and lightweight design .
The bright 3.6-inch and 2.36 million-point rear touch screen of the X1D II 50C and the enhanced 3.69 million-point EVF OLED are updated with higher resolution, allowing for post-capture evaluation more Precise images. With an enhanced magnification of 0.87x, the EVF of the X1D II 50C is now larger, allowing you to see the larger image. In addition, the menu system is now accessible when looking at the EVF, which provides greater ease of use in the sunniest conditions. Based on the intuitive user interface of the previous generation, with pinch to zoom navigation and image scrolling, the X1D II 50C is refined with a faster overall response when navigating through its menu system.
Other additions to the rear screen include drag-and-drop autofocus point placement and autofocus point size changes with pinch / extension finger movement. With a faster start time, a live view with a faster refresh rate of 60 fps, and shutter delay time and shutdown time between reduced frames, the X1D II 50C creates an even more user experience soft.
The updated electronic platform of the X1D II 50C allows for a more sensitive camera experience, including faster image preview, allowing for faster post-capture evaluation. In addition, a higher image frequency of 60 fps makes live viewing more fluid both in the EVF and on the rear screen. The much higher resolution of the rear display screen (1024 × 768) offers a more vivid and true-to-life image viewing experience. In addition, the X1D II 50C now allows high-quality JPEG images in the camera at full resolution with the characteristic Hasselblad colors. Dual SD card slots, which now support the faster UHS-II standard, guarantee optimal storage space or the option to back up images on a second card when shooting.
Built-in Wi-Fi and USB-C connectivity creates a portable photographic workflow with wireless or connected image export and connection shooting via Phocus Mobile 2. The connection shooting function is also applicable to the desktop version of Phocus, Available for both Mac and PC. An internal GPS module allows optional automatic geographic tagging of images. Dual SD card slots ensure optimal storage space or the option to back up images on a second card when shooting. The X1D II 50C allows you to charge the camera's battery via USB through a computer, charger or power bank.
Phocus Mobile 2 expands the possibilities of the Hasselblad workflow and takes the image editing process to a new portable level. Phocus Mobile 2 is compatible with the X1D II 50C via USB-C or Wi-Fi and is compatible with the iPad Pro and iPad Air 2019 models, which allows


Hasselblad X lens mount
Camera format Medium format
Effective Pixels: 50 Megapixels
Maximum Resolution 8272 x 6200
4: 3 aspect ratio
CMOS sensor type
Sensor size 43.8 x 32.9 mm
JPEG image file format, plain, TIFF
Bit Depth 16 bits
Exposure Control
Auto ISO sensitivity, 100 to 25600
Shutter Type Electronic Shutter, Sheet Shutter
Shutter Speed ​​Mechanical Shutter
1/2000 to 4080 seconds
Electronic shutter
1/10000 to 4080 seconds
Measurement method Center-weighted average, punctual
Exposure modes Aperture priority, manual, program, shutter priority
Continuous shooting Up to 2.7 fps at 50 MP
Interval Recording Yes
Focus type Auto and manual focus
Focus mode Continuous servo AF (C), Single servo AF (S)
Autofocus points Contrast detection: 117
Viewfinder and monitor
Type of Electronic Viewfinder (OLED)
Viewfinder resolution 3,686,400 Points
100% viewfinder coverage
Viewfinder Magnification Approx. 0.87x
Monitor size 3.6 "
Resolution Monitor 2,359,296 Point
Monitor type Fixed LCD touch screen
Maximum sync speed 1/2000 second (sheet shutter)
Flash Compensation -3 to +3 EV (1/3 EV steps)
ITTL Dedicated Flash System
External flash connection Hot shoe
Memory card slot Dual slot: SD / SDHC / SDXC (UHS-II)
USB Type C connectivity (USB 3.0)
Wireless Wifi
GPS yes
Operating temperature 14 to 113 ° F / -10 to 45 ° C
1 x rechargeable lithium-ion battery, 7.2 VDC, 3400 mAh
Dimensions (W x H x D) 5.83 x 3.82 x 4.92 "/ 148 x 97 x 125 mm
Weight 1.69 lb / 766 g (Body with battery and memory)



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