Product Object ( [quesabesde] => 0 [descripcion_quesabesde] => [ciao] => 1 [descripcion_ciao] => DESCUENTO DE 99 EUROS PARA CANARIAS/ Entrega en 24/48 horas – Tienda en Las Palmas de G.C. desde 1974 [ultimas_unidades] => 0 [promocion_mes] => 0 [dropshipping_only] => 0 [tax_name] => deprecated [tax_rate] => 0 [id_manufacturer] => 27 [id_supplier] => 0 [id_category_default] => 170 [id_shop_default] => 1 [manufacturer_name] => TAMRON [supplier_name] => [name] => TAMRON 35MM F/1.4 DI USD CANON [description] =>

Tamron SP 35mm f / 1.4 Di USD Canon (F045)

In celebration of Tamron's 40th anniversary of the SP lens series, the Canon EF-mount SP 35mm f / 1.4 Di USD has been created to showcase its lens manufacturing capabilities. This first flexible wide angle is ideal for general shooting applications, ranging from street photography to event shooting, and its impressive maximum aperture f / 1.4 excels in difficult lighting conditions and offers greater control over depth of field. The optical design incorporates a series of aspherical and low dispersion elements, which control a variety of aberrations to achieve high clarity and sharpness of the image. A BBAR-G2 coating has also been applied and helps reduce flashes and ghost images to improve color and contrast when working in bright lighting conditions. As a complement to the optics, a USD motor and a Dynamic Rolling-cam mechanism are also used to ensure fast and quiet autofocus performance along with a manual focus override without full-time interruptions.
Wide-angle prime is designed for full-frame Canon EF mount cameras, however, it can also be used with APS-C models where it provides a focal length equivalent to 56 mm.
The fast maximum aperture f / 1.4 adapts to work in low light conditions and also offers extensive control over depth of field to isolate subjects using selective focusing techniques.
Four elements of low dispersion are presented that greatly limit color stripes and chromatic aberrations to achieve greater clarity and color fidelity throughout the opening range.
Three glass-molded aspherical elements are used to suppress distortion and spherical aberrations, and contribute to precise processing and sharpness.
The second generation BBAR-G2 coating has been applied to individual elements and provides refined correction and control over the phantom effect and lens flare to improve contrast and color accuracy when working in backlight conditions.
A quietly driven ultrasonic autofocus motor offers fast and precise focus performance and a dynamic cam mechanism also contributes to the fast focus movement of the large f / 1.4 optical system. This engine also offers full-time manual focus control, and it is possible to focus subjects at a distance of up to 11.8 "with a maximum magnification ratio of 1: 5.
A moisture-resistant construction benefits the use of this lens in inclement conditions, and a fluorine coating has also been applied to the front lens element to protect against dust, dirt and stains.
The nine-blade rounded diaphragm contributes to a nice bokeh quality.
Compatible with the optional TAP-in console to fine-tune the selected focus settings and to update the lens firmware.

[description_short] =>


  • EF mount lens / full frame format
  • Opening range: f / 1.4 to f / 16
  • Four elements of low dispersion
  • Three aspherical elements
  • Standard lens for Canon EOS
  • For APS-C and Full Frame sensors
  • USD autofocus motor

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Product ID: 11237

EAN: 4960371006611

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Más información

  • EF mount lens / full frame format
  • Opening range: f / 1.4 to f / 16
  • Four elements of low dispersion
  • Three aspherical elements
  • Standard lens for Canon EOS
  • For APS-C and Full Frame sensors
  • USD autofocus motor

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Tamron SP 35mm f / 1.4 Di USD Canon (F045)

In celebration of Tamron's 40th anniversary of the SP lens series, the Canon EF-mount SP 35mm f / 1.4 Di USD has been created to showcase its lens manufacturing capabilities. This first flexible wide angle is ideal for general shooting applications, ranging from street photography to event shooting, and its impressive maximum aperture f / 1.4 excels in difficult lighting conditions and offers greater control over depth of field. The optical design incorporates a series of aspherical and low dispersion elements, which control a variety of aberrations to achieve high clarity and sharpness of the image. A BBAR-G2 coating has also been applied and helps reduce flashes and ghost images to improve color and contrast when working in bright lighting conditions. As a complement to the optics, a USD motor and a Dynamic Rolling-cam mechanism are also used to ensure fast and quiet autofocus performance along with a manual focus override without full-time interruptions.
Wide-angle prime is designed for full-frame Canon EF mount cameras, however, it can also be used with APS-C models where it provides a focal length equivalent to 56 mm.
The fast maximum aperture f / 1.4 adapts to work in low light conditions and also offers extensive control over depth of field to isolate subjects using selective focusing techniques.
Four elements of low dispersion are presented that greatly limit color stripes and chromatic aberrations to achieve greater clarity and color fidelity throughout the opening range.
Three glass-molded aspherical elements are used to suppress distortion and spherical aberrations, and contribute to precise processing and sharpness.
The second generation BBAR-G2 coating has been applied to individual elements and provides refined correction and control over the phantom effect and lens flare to improve contrast and color accuracy when working in backlight conditions.
A quietly driven ultrasonic autofocus motor offers fast and precise focus performance and a dynamic cam mechanism also contributes to the fast focus movement of the large f / 1.4 optical system. This engine also offers full-time manual focus control, and it is possible to focus subjects at a distance of up to 11.8 "with a maximum magnification ratio of 1: 5.
A moisture-resistant construction benefits the use of this lens in inclement conditions, and a fluorine coating has also been applied to the front lens element to protect against dust, dirt and stains.
The nine-blade rounded diaphragm contributes to a nice bokeh quality.
Compatible with the optional TAP-in console to fine-tune the selected focus settings and to update the lens firmware.

Data sheet
Filter size 72mm
Type of filter UV Ultraviolet Protector

35mm focal length
Maximum aperture f / 1.4
Minimum opening F 16
Canon EF lens mount
Full Frame Format Compatibility
63 ° to 26 ° point of view
0.2x maximum magnification
Minimum focusing distance 11.81 "/ 30 cm
Optical design 14 elements in 10 groups
9 9 diaphragm blades
Focus type Auto focus
Image Stabilization None
Filter size 72 mm (front)
Dimensions (ø x L) 3.19 x 4.13 "/ 80.9 x 104.8 mm
Weight 1.79 lb / 815 g



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