Product Object ( [quesabesde] => 1 [descripcion_quesabesde] => DESCUENTO DE 125 EUROS PARA CANARIAS [ciao] => 1 [descripcion_ciao] => DESCUENTO DE 125 EUROS PARA CANARIAS/Entrega en 24/48 horas – Tienda en Las Palmas de G.C. desde 1974 [ultimas_unidades] => 0 [promocion_mes] => 0 [dropshipping_only] => 0 [tax_name] => deprecated [tax_rate] => 0 [id_manufacturer] => 78 [id_supplier] => 0 [id_category_default] => 157 [id_shop_default] => 1 [manufacturer_name] => FUJIFILM [supplier_name] => [name] => FUJIFILM X100F + 200 EUROS DIRECT DISCOUNT [description] =>

Building on the success of the X-Series, FUJIFILM with the new Fujifilm 24.3 MP processor and sensor introduces the Premium Compact Digital Camera X100F.

FUJIFILM Corporation is pleased to announce the latest Premium Digital Compact Camera, FUJIFILM X100F(X100F), which has the only Advanced Hybrid Viewfinder that can be switched between the Optical Viewfinder (OVF) and Electronic Viewfinder (EVF).

1. Fujifilm's excellent color reproduction and tonal gradation captures superior image quality in both photos and video

The X100F features the 24.3MP X-Trans ™ CMOS III (*1) sensor, a low-pass filterless APS-C sensor with the best performance in the history of the X-Series, as well as the high image processing speed of the new X-Processor Pro. To offer exceptional color reproduction and tone gradient in both still images and videos at high ISO sensitivity and low noise level. The film simulation modes, developed with Fujifilm's philosophy of color reproduction with more than 80 years of research in photographic film, are developed with Fujifilm's philosophy of color reproduction with more than 80 years of research in photographic film.

2. Perfect for snapshots with fast response and improved performance

The basic response specifications have been improved to the extreme in the X100F. A startup time of approx. 0.5 seconds, a shooting interval of 0.2 seconds **, a shutter release time of 0.01 seconds ** and faster AF of 0.08 seconds, ensuring that the camera functions exactly as the photographer wants it to.

The number of focus points has been substantially expanded from 49 in earlier models to 91 (up to 325 points). Approx. 40% of the image area (the central area containing 49 focus points) is covered with phase detection AF pixels to form a fast and accurate phase detection AF area that can be used in a variety of scenes.

3. Evolution of the Advanced Hybrid Viewer

The variable magnification of the electronic rangefinder, displayed in a small window such as EVF in the lower right corner of the optical viewfinder, improves accuracy when checking focus. The real-time parallax correction function (*2) is applied to the area of focus in addition to the guide frame to allow for guaranteed framing and focusing in manual focusing.

4. Intuitive and practical operation

New features of the X100F include the ISO dial, built into the shutter speed dial by dial, reminiscent of movie cameras of yesteryear, the focus joystick, which allows the focus area to be moved instantly without removing the viewfinder eye and the "C" position to enable ± 5 steps of exposure compensation, and most operation-related buttons and dials are concentrated on the right side to allow quick change of settings while firmly holding the camera.

*1 X-Trans is a registered trademark of FUJIFILM Corporation.
*2 The difference between the field of view and the one actually photographed when shooting close up.

[description_short] =>


  • X-Processor Pro , CMOS X-Trans III capable of providing a resolution of 24 million pixels.
  • 8 pictures per second in this one with which we can shoot for about 3 seconds in RAW mode (about 25 pictures) or reach the 60 images if we shoot in JPG.
  • the Fujifilm X100F offers the 91 points of focus compared to the 49 offered by the range in previous models.
  • Noise-ISO ratio to be able to go from the 6,400 natives to those who arrived at the previous model to the 12,800 ISO of the current one
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Product ID: 7775

EAN: 4547410339024

  • X-Processor Pro , CMOS X-Trans III capable of providing a resolution of 24 million pixels.
  • 8 pictures per second in this one with which we can shoot for about 3 seconds in RAW mode (about 25 pictures) or reach the 60 images if we shoot in JPG.
  • the Fujifilm X100F offers the 91 points of focus compared to the 49 offered by the range in previous models.
  • Noise-ISO ratio to be able to go from the 6,400 natives to those who arrived at the previous model to the 12,800 ISO of the current one

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1161,17€tax incl.

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Building on the success of the X-Series, FUJIFILM with the new Fujifilm 24.3 MP processor and sensor introduces the Premium Compact Digital Camera X100F.

FUJIFILM Corporation is pleased to announce the latest Premium Digital Compact Camera, FUJIFILM X100F(X100F), which has the only Advanced Hybrid Viewfinder that can be switched between the Optical Viewfinder (OVF) and Electronic Viewfinder (EVF).

1. Fujifilm's excellent color reproduction and tonal gradation captures superior image quality in both photos and video

The X100F features the 24.3MP X-Trans ™ CMOS III (*1) sensor, a low-pass filterless APS-C sensor with the best performance in the history of the X-Series, as well as the high image processing speed of the new X-Processor Pro. To offer exceptional color reproduction and tone gradient in both still images and videos at high ISO sensitivity and low noise level. The film simulation modes, developed with Fujifilm's philosophy of color reproduction with more than 80 years of research in photographic film, are developed with Fujifilm's philosophy of color reproduction with more than 80 years of research in photographic film.

2. Perfect for snapshots with fast response and improved performance

The basic response specifications have been improved to the extreme in the X100F. A startup time of approx. 0.5 seconds, a shooting interval of 0.2 seconds **, a shutter release time of 0.01 seconds ** and faster AF of 0.08 seconds, ensuring that the camera functions exactly as the photographer wants it to.

The number of focus points has been substantially expanded from 49 in earlier models to 91 (up to 325 points). Approx. 40% of the image area (the central area containing 49 focus points) is covered with phase detection AF pixels to form a fast and accurate phase detection AF area that can be used in a variety of scenes.

3. Evolution of the Advanced Hybrid Viewer

The variable magnification of the electronic rangefinder, displayed in a small window such as EVF in the lower right corner of the optical viewfinder, improves accuracy when checking focus. The real-time parallax correction function (*2) is applied to the area of focus in addition to the guide frame to allow for guaranteed framing and focusing in manual focusing.

4. Intuitive and practical operation

New features of the X100F include the ISO dial, built into the shutter speed dial by dial, reminiscent of movie cameras of yesteryear, the focus joystick, which allows the focus area to be moved instantly without removing the viewfinder eye and the "C" position to enable ± 5 steps of exposure compensation, and most operation-related buttons and dials are concentrated on the right side to allow quick change of settings while firmly holding the camera.

*1 X-Trans is a registered trademark of FUJIFILM Corporation.
*2 The difference between the field of view and the one actually photographed when shooting close up.

Data sheet
Type of filter PL Polarizer
Effective pixel numbers 24.3 million pixels
Image Sensor 23.6mm x 15.6mm [APS-C] X-Trans CMOS III with primary color filter.
Storage media SD Card [ - 2GB]/ SDHC Card[ - 32GB]/ SDXC Card[ - 256GB] UHS-I*1
Lens Name FUJINON fixed optics
Focal length f=23mm (formato equivalent 35mm : : 35mm)
Full opening F2
Constitution 6 groups 8 lenses [1 moulded spherical glass lens included]
Apertura F2 - F16 1/3EV steps [controlled with 9-leaf diaphragm opening]
Focus Distance Approx. 10cm a infinite / 3.9in. to infinite
Sensitivity Standard output AUTO1/AUTO2/AUTO3[up to ISO12800]/ISO200 - 12800 [1/3EV step]
Extended output ISO100/25600/51200
Shutter speed Mechanical Shutter: [Mode P] 4 sec. to 1/4000* sec. [All other modes] 30 sec. to 1/4000* sec.  Bombilla [max. 60 min.], Time 30 sec. to 1/32000
4 sec. to 1/4000sec. [Mode P]、30 sec. a1/4000 sec. [All modes]  Bulb Mode [max. 60 min.]、Tiempo:30seg. 1/4000sec.
Electronic Shutter:30sec. to 1/32000sec.[P/A/S/M MODES]  Mode Bulb:1seg. fijo、Tiempo:30sec. A 1/32000sec
Mechanical + Electronic Shutter:4sec. to 1/32000sec.[P Mode]、30seg.a1/32000sec.[All Modes]  Bulb Mode [max. 60 min.]、Tiempo:30seg. to 1/32000sec
Flash Auto Flash [Super Smart Flash]
Effective range: [ISO 1600] approx. 30cm - 9.0m/1.6ft. - 29.5ft.
Guide number: approx. 4.6[ISO100・m]
Viewfinder Optical viewfinder (OVF) Reversed Galilean viewfinder with illuminated electronic frame
Magnifications 0.5 x
Coverage of framing area in front of the capture area: approx. 92%
Electronic Viewfinder (EVF)
0.48-inch LCD color viewfinder with approx. 2,360,000 points Coverage of display area vs. capture area: approx. 100 % Eye point: approx. 15mm, diopter adjustment: -2 to +1m-1[dpt], Built-in eye sensor
LCD Monitor 3.0 inch, Image ratio 3:2, approx. 1040K-dot TFT color LCD monitor [approx. 100% coverage]
Movie recording Full HD 1920 x 1080 59.94p / 50p / 29.97p / 25p / 24p/23.98P, 36Mbps Continuous recording : [Max. approx.14 min]
HD 1280 x 720 59.94p / 50p / 29.97p / 25p / 24p/23.98P, 18Mbps Continuous recording: Max approx. 27 min.* Use SD Fast Class 10 or higher card
Power supply NP-W126S Li-ion Battery [included]
Dimensions / Weight 126.5mm [W] x 74.8mm [H] x 52.4mm [D] / 4.98in. [W] x 2.94in. [H] x 2.06in. [D] [Minimum Depth : 32.0mm / 1.26 in.]
Approx. 469g / 16.5 oz [Including battery and memory card]
Approx. 419g / 14.8 oz. [Excluding accessories, battery, and memory card]
Battery*5 Standard : Approx. 270 images [EVF] / 390 images [OVF] *5
Included accessories Li-ion Battery NP-W126S, Battery Charger BC-W126, Strap, Lens Cap, Metal Strap Clip, Protective Cap, Clip Attachment Tool, USB Cable, User Manual


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