Product Object ( [quesabesde] => 0 [descripcion_quesabesde] => [ciao] => 1 [descripcion_ciao] => Descuento especial para Canarias [ultimas_unidades] => 0 [promocion_mes] => 0 [dropshipping_only] => [tax_name] => deprecated [tax_rate] => 0 [id_manufacturer] => 326 [id_supplier] => 0 [id_category_default] => 279 [id_shop_default] => 1 [manufacturer_name] => LEICA [supplier_name] => [name] => LEICA M10-R BLACK CHROME [description] =>

Leica M10-R Digital Rangefinder Camera (Black Chrome)

By setting the 'R' resolution, the Leica M10-R is a digital rangefinder camera with a high resolution shot of the traditional design, only still images from the acclaimed M10 series. Revolving around an impressive 40MP full-frame CMOS sensor and a Maestro II image processor, the M10-R sets itself apart with image quality, dynamic range and sensitivity, with an ISO 100-50000 range and low noise. . Complementing applications suitable for a higher resolution design, the M10-R also features an extended shutter speed range for long exposures of up to 16 minutes for night and low light shooting. The higher resolution and redesigned sensor structure also highlight the unique optical qualities of Leica's extensive line of lenses.
Beyond the updated sensor, the M10-R takes on a familiar shape with a slim body profile reminiscent of M-film cameras and a large 0.73x magnification optical viewfinder for remarkable composition and focusing precision. The body design also incorporates a dedicated ISO dial for quick adjustment, even when the camera is turned off, and the rear 3.0 "1.04m-dot touchscreen LCD features a Gorilla Glass cover to protect against scratches and light impacts. It also contributes to durability, the top and bottom plates are constructed of brass and the chassis is constructed of magnesium alloy for a robust physical construction for long-lasting use. Additionally, the M10-R also has a built-in Wi-Fi module for Wireless sharing and remote control of the camera from a paired mobile device.
M10-R for resolution
Revolving around a unique 40MP full-frame CMOS sensor, the M-10R distinguishes itself within the M10 family of cameras for its high resolution and longer exposure capabilities. Beyond traditional Leica street photography and reportage applications, these capabilities also lend themselves to landscape and nature shooters, and also allow photographers to make full use of the exceptional Leica lens line. In addition to the revised sensor design, the M10-R retains its slim form factor, ultra-quiet operation, and slim design, including a distinctive red dot on the front of the camera, a smooth top plate, and a sleek black chrome finish. .
40MP full-frame CMOS sensor and Maestro II processor
A redesigned full-frame color 40.89MP CMOS sensor combines with the Maestro II image processor to deliver an impressively wide dynamic range with remarkable color saturation and contrast, as well as improved sensitivity from ISO 100-50000 to suit the job. in a variety of lighting conditions. The sensor design also omits an optical low-pass filter for greater sharpness and resolution.
Optical viewfinder and rangefinder
The optical viewfinder is a large 0.73x bright line magnification rangefinder with automatic parallax compensation and bright line frame lines, which are set to match the size of the image sensor at a focus distance of 6.6 '. On the front of the camera, a viewfinder frame selector can also be used to manually change the apparent image field to help visualize the scene at different focal lengths; Options are available in 35mm / 135mm, 28mm / 90mm, and 50mm / 75mm focal length pairs.

The rangefinder mechanism displays split or overlapping bright-field images in the center of the viewfinder to benefit precise manual focus control. The effective metering base of the rangefinder is 50.6mm (mechanical metering base 69.31mm x 0.73x viewfinder magnification).
Body design and built-in Wi-Fi
The slim body profile is reminiscent of Leica film cameras for easy handling and manipulation.
The built-in ISO dial is featured on the top plate to allow simple and direct adjustment of sensitivity settings, even when the camera is off.
The back of the camera features just three buttons (live view, playback, and menu) for more simplified and intuitive navigation of the camera's control suite.
A programmable Favorites menu can be used, allowing you to define your most used settings and select them for easy one-touch access.
The 3.0 "1.04m-dot touchscreen LCD provides an intuitive, bright and spacious medium for image playback as well as live view shooting.
The rear LCD monitor has a Corning Gorilla Glass cover to protect it from scratches and impacts.
Top and bottom plates are machined from solid blocks of brass and the chassis

[description_short] =>
  • 40MP Full-Frame CMOS Sensor
  • Leica Maestro II Image Processor
  • Optical 0.73x-Magnification Viewfinder
  • 3.0 "1.04m-Dot Touchscreen LCD
  • Compact digital camera with vision and rangefinder system
  • M 40 Megapixel CMOS sensor
  • ISO 100 to ISO 50000
  • Exposure time up to 16 min.
  • Touch screen
  • Ultra quiet shutter
  • Made in Germany
  • SD / SDHC / SDXC memory card storage (up to 2TB)

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Product ID: 12809

  • 40MP Full-Frame CMOS Sensor
  • Leica Maestro II Image Processor
  • Optical 0.73x-Magnification Viewfinder
  • 3.0 "1.04m-Dot Touchscreen LCD
  • Compact digital camera with vision and rangefinder system
  • M 40 Megapixel CMOS sensor
  • ISO 100 to ISO 50000
  • Exposure time up to 16 min.
  • Touch screen
  • Ultra quiet shutter
  • Made in Germany
  • SD / SDHC / SDXC memory card storage (up to 2TB)

  • 40MP Full-Frame CMOS Sensor
  • Leica Maestro II Image Processor
  • Optical 0.73x-Magnification Viewfinder
  • 3.0 "1.04m-Dot Touchscreen LCD
  • Compact digital camera with vision and rangefinder system
  • M 40 Megapixel CMOS sensor
  • ISO 100 to ISO 50000
  • Exposure time up to 16 min.
  • Touch screen
  • Ultra quiet shutter
  • Made in Germany
  • SD / SDHC / SDXC memory card storage (up to 2TB)

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Leica M10-R Digital Rangefinder Camera (Black Chrome)

By setting the 'R' resolution, the Leica M10-R is a digital rangefinder camera with a high resolution shot of the traditional design, only still images from the acclaimed M10 series. Revolving around an impressive 40MP full-frame CMOS sensor and a Maestro II image processor, the M10-R sets itself apart with image quality, dynamic range and sensitivity, with an ISO 100-50000 range and low noise. . Complementing applications suitable for a higher resolution design, the M10-R also features an extended shutter speed range for long exposures of up to 16 minutes for night and low light shooting. The higher resolution and redesigned sensor structure also highlight the unique optical qualities of Leica's extensive line of lenses.
Beyond the updated sensor, the M10-R takes on a familiar shape with a slim body profile reminiscent of M-film cameras and a large 0.73x magnification optical viewfinder for remarkable composition and focusing precision. The body design also incorporates a dedicated ISO dial for quick adjustment, even when the camera is turned off, and the rear 3.0 "1.04m-dot touchscreen LCD features a Gorilla Glass cover to protect against scratches and light impacts. It also contributes to durability, the top and bottom plates are constructed of brass and the chassis is constructed of magnesium alloy for a robust physical construction for long-lasting use. Additionally, the M10-R also has a built-in Wi-Fi module for Wireless sharing and remote control of the camera from a paired mobile device.
M10-R for resolution
Revolving around a unique 40MP full-frame CMOS sensor, the M-10R distinguishes itself within the M10 family of cameras for its high resolution and longer exposure capabilities. Beyond traditional Leica street photography and reportage applications, these capabilities also lend themselves to landscape and nature shooters, and also allow photographers to make full use of the exceptional Leica lens line. In addition to the revised sensor design, the M10-R retains its slim form factor, ultra-quiet operation, and slim design, including a distinctive red dot on the front of the camera, a smooth top plate, and a sleek black chrome finish. .
40MP full-frame CMOS sensor and Maestro II processor
A redesigned full-frame color 40.89MP CMOS sensor combines with the Maestro II image processor to deliver an impressively wide dynamic range with remarkable color saturation and contrast, as well as improved sensitivity from ISO 100-50000 to suit the job. in a variety of lighting conditions. The sensor design also omits an optical low-pass filter for greater sharpness and resolution.
Optical viewfinder and rangefinder
The optical viewfinder is a large 0.73x bright line magnification rangefinder with automatic parallax compensation and bright line frame lines, which are set to match the size of the image sensor at a focus distance of 6.6 '. On the front of the camera, a viewfinder frame selector can also be used to manually change the apparent image field to help visualize the scene at different focal lengths; Options are available in 35mm / 135mm, 28mm / 90mm, and 50mm / 75mm focal length pairs.

The rangefinder mechanism displays split or overlapping bright-field images in the center of the viewfinder to benefit precise manual focus control. The effective metering base of the rangefinder is 50.6mm (mechanical metering base 69.31mm x 0.73x viewfinder magnification).
Body design and built-in Wi-Fi
The slim body profile is reminiscent of Leica film cameras for easy handling and manipulation.
The built-in ISO dial is featured on the top plate to allow simple and direct adjustment of sensitivity settings, even when the camera is off.
The back of the camera features just three buttons (live view, playback, and menu) for more simplified and intuitive navigation of the camera's control suite.
A programmable Favorites menu can be used, allowing you to define your most used settings and select them for easy one-touch access.
The 3.0 "1.04m-dot touchscreen LCD provides an intuitive, bright and spacious medium for image playback as well as live view shooting.
The rear LCD monitor has a Corning Gorilla Glass cover to protect it from scratches and impacts.
Top and bottom plates are machined from solid blocks of brass and the chassis

Data sheet
Type of filter UV Ultraviolet Protector

Leica M lens mount
Camera format Full frame (1x crop factor)
Effective Pixels: 40.89 megapixels
Maximum Resolution 7864 x 5200
3: 2 aspect ratio
CMOS Sensor Type
Sensor size 24 x 36 mm
DNG, JPEG image file format
Bit depth 14 bits
Image stabilization None
Exposure control
ISO Auto sensitivity, 100 to 50,000
Shutter speed Mechanical shutter
1/4000 to 960 seconds
0 to 16 minutes in bulb mode
Measurement method Center-weighted average, multi-zone, spot
Exposure modes Aperture priority, manual
Measurement range -2 to 19 EV
White balance Auto, color temperature, manual
Continuous shooting Up to 4.5 fps at 40 MP for up to 10 frames
Interval recording yes
Automatic timer 2/12 second delay
Focus type Manual focus only
Viewfinder and monitor
Viewfinder type Optical
Viewfinder magnification Approx. 0.73x
Monitor Size 3 "
Monitor resolution 1,036,800 dots
Monitor Type Fixed LCD touch screen
Built in an instant No
TTL Auto flash modes
Maximum sync speed 1/180 second
Flash Compensation -3 to +3 EV (1/3 EV steps)
Dedicated TTL Flash System
External flash connection Hot shoe
Memory card slot Single slot: SD / SDHC / SDXC
Wireless wifi
Operating temperature 32 to 104 ° F / 0 to 40 ° C
1 x BP-SCL5 Rechargeable Li-ion Battery, 7.4 VDC, 1300 mAh
Dimensions (W x H x D) 5.5 x 3.1 x 1.5 "/ 139 x 80 x 38.5mm
Weight 1.45lb / 660g (body with battery)



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