Legal basis –



1.  Identification of the organising company.

DUKE TRADING, S.L. with fiscal address in C./ Ripoche, 24 – Bajo, 35007 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - CIF B35420314, organises a draw for a basket with a batch of products from among the orders placed in the online shop and physical shop from 15 November to 5 January 2021.

This package includes:



-       ROTOLIGHT VLOGGING VIDEO - DSLR/CSC KIT RL48 (Sony camera not included)



2.  Start and end dates of the competition and geographical scope

The competition will start on 15 November at 00:00 and will end on 5 January at 23:59. It will be possible to participate only during this period of time.

DUKE TRADING, S.L. reserves the right to postpone or extend the period of the competition in case of force majeure, as well as the right to interpret these legal terms and conditions.


3.  Rules and conditions for participation.

 1. The draw is open to all natural persons of legal age who, between November 15, 2020 and January 5, 2021, inclusive, have purchased DUKEFOTOGRAFIA.COM or in the physical shop at 24 Ripoche Street.

 2. Those entries that are excluded from the draw will not be valid:

  • Are made after the deadline.
  • Do not meet the requirements for participation.
  • Contain false or erroneous data.

4.  Selection of the winner and method of the draw.

The selection of the winner will be published on 11 January 2021 at 17:00 on Facebook.

There will be 1 winner and 3 substitutes.

A publication will be made on social networks, announcing the winning invoices/tickets. The latter will have to contact us by direct message. If you have not responded within 72 hours, the prize will be passed on to the substitute, who will also have 72 hours to respond. Once the prize is offered to the substitute, the previous winner will lose the right to claim the prize.

DUKE TRADING, S.L. is exempt from any responsibility in the event of any error in the data provided by the winners/substitutes, which prevents their identification.

DUKE TRADING, S.L. reserves the right to withdraw the prizes in the event that the designated winners or alternates do not meet the requirements set out in these rules, as well as in the event that the winner and/or alternates cannot be located.


5.  Value and nature of the prize offered.

 The prize will consist of 4 products, valued at 590€. The winner may collect the prize at the headquarters. Optionally, the prize will be sent by parcel service.


6. Information regarding the processing of personal data (in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016).

6.1. The person responsible for processing your personal data is DUKE TRADING, S.L. & CIF B35420314. The contact details of the person in charge are as follows:

  •       Postal address: C./ Ripoche, 24 – Bajo (Zona Parque Santa Catalina y Playa de las Canteras) 35007 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  •       Email:

6.2.  The purpose of the processing of personal data:

  •       Management of the participation in the "product batch" contest, in the development of this one and in the designation of the winner/s.
  •       Publication of these on social networks and other means of dissemination.
  •       To send promotions and subsequent marketing actions with the aim of disseminating and promoting the activities of DUKE TRADING, S.L.

6.3. Deadlines for the conservation of information: The data identifying participants will be kept for the time strictly necessary for the development of the competition and for the legal periods of time that, where applicable, are applicable. The data used for advertising and commercial prospecting will be kept indefinitely, unless the user requests that DUKE TRADING, S.L. be removed.

6.4. Legal basis of the processing: the legal basis for the processing of data is the consent given by the participant with the participation in the competition and, therefore, with the acceptance of these rules. Nevertheless, should consent be withdrawn, this will not affect the lawfulness of any processing carried out previously.

6.5.  International assignments and transfers: data may be transferred to an external platform for the purpose of certifying the random selection of the winner. The competition is carried out through social networks that can host the information on servers located outside the European Economic Area.

6.6. Rights of the Participant: Data subjects may exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion, portability and the limitation or opposition of the data in the cases and to the extent established in the EU GPRS 2016/679. Likewise, they have the right to withdraw their consent at any time. To exercise these rights you may contact DUKE TRADING, S.L., by one of the following channels: e-mail; telephone: 928 220 580 and/or postal address: C./ Ripoche, 24 - Bajo (Zona Parque Santa Catalina y Playa de las Canteras) 35007 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

You are informed of your right to file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (


7.  Acceptance of the Legal Basis.

 Participation in the competition implies acceptance of these legal terms and conditions. Any declaration of non-acceptance of all or part of the legal terms and conditions will imply the exclusion of the participant and, as a consequence, DUKE TRADING, S.L. will be released from its obligation to this participant. DUKE TRADING, S.L.

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