Financing with Cetelem at 18 months

At Duke Fotografía we give you the chance to finance your purchases and pay them in convenient instalments with Cetelem España, BNP Paribas group, which has more than 25 years of experience in our country granting consumer credit.

You can buy everything you want from €120 or with a minimum monthly payment of €12 per month. In addition, you do not start paying until at least 10 days after completing the purchase. Want to know how?

To apply for financing, make your purchase and select the financing option as payment method, from there the Cetelem financing process begins. It is 100% digital, fast, simple and convenient.

Sign your contract digitally using a PIN that we send to your mobile phone, and directly attach the documentation requested in the process. The necessary documents are:

1-DNI on both sides or residence card (for foreign residents).
2-Income justifier (last payroll -wage-, last income tax return -autonomous-, or letter of revaluation of the pension).
3-First page of the bank book or a direct debit with the IBAN code. The holder of the contract must be the holder of the bank account.
But if you are already a Cetelem client... will only need your DNI and have your mobile phone at hand. Without filling in forms and without sending documentation: Only with a click.

Everything you buy until the 25th day of a month you don't start paying until the 5th day of the following month, and if you buy it between the 26th and the 31st, until the 5th day of two months later.

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